answer the following questions about a city in the world.

City project

research and answer the question


Name_________________________________________Period______ APES | Chapter 22: Cities and Sustainability | City Research

Use the internet and other resources to answer the following questions about a city in the world. After beginning your research, you may find that you want to change the city you chose, that is fine.

1) What city did you choose?

2) Where is it located?

3) What is the population?

4) What is the overall climate?

5) What types of housing is available? What is the dominate type of housing?

6) How much ‘green space’ is utilized? (parks, etc)

7) What kinds of transportation is available? What is the dominate form of transportation? How does this impact the city’s ‘sustainability’?

8) Does your city have a significant amount of Urban Sprawl? Justify your answer.

9) How much air and water pollution does your city have? Justify your answer with specific data.

10) What types of energy sources does your city utilize? How much renewable energy is used and what kind?

Go to to answer the following questions.

Click on “Green City Index”

Choose a region and find your city.

Find and download the “City portrait”

11) Where does your city rank in each of the following categories (when compared to other cities in its region). In addition, give a briefsummary of each section highlighting any green initiatives. (NOTE: one to two may not be applicable to your city)

1. Overall Green City Index

2. CO2 emissions

3. Energy use

4. Buildings

5. Transportation

6. Water

7. Waste

8. Land use

9. Environmental Governance

12) When you are done with the siemens website, revisit the first 10 questions and see if there’s anything that can be added.

13) Would you qualify your city as a “sustainable city”? Justify your answer.