explain the relationship between philosophy and the arts based on the Learning Resources.

 WEEK 1 DISCUSSION 1.1: Philosophy and Art Toolbox Discussion Topic I’m Done

After looking through all of the materials in the Week 1 Learning Resources about philosophy and art, please use them, without relying on any outside resources, to address the three points below. Make sure to cite any of the learning resources you use in your answer in MLA format.

  1. Using your own words and using the Learning Resources, compose a one sentence definition of philosophy.
  2. Using your own words and using the Learning Resources, compose a one sentence definition of art.
  3. In two additional sentences, briefly explain how you understand the relationship between philosophy and the arts based on the Learning Resources.

Please limit your post to 4-5 sentences.

Sample post

Philosophy is XXX XXX, and XXX (one sentence).

Art is XXX XXX XXX (one sentence).

After learning about the Allegory of the Cave, I think the relationship between philosophy and art is XXX. (Sentence two) (Sentence three).

Gendler, Alex. “Plato’s Allegory of the Cave.” TED-Ed, http://ed.ted.com/lessons/plato-s-allegory-of-the-cave-alex-gendler.