Job strategies for getting a paralegal position

You will submit a final project in Week 4, which is a 15-slide PowerPoint presentation on one of the following topics.You may select your topic from the list below. However, if you have another idea for a paper/presentation related to the paralegal profession, please ask the instructor if you can report on that topic. Starting from Week 2, you must submit 5 slides on your final presentation.

Topics include:

  1. Job strategies for getting a paralegal position
  2. Comparison of UPL laws around the U.S.
  3. Differences between NFPA and NALA
  4. Compare confidentiality for psychiatrists/psychologists to confidentiality for lawyers and paralegals (check the Tarasof and Menendez brothers cases, respectfully)
  5. Paralegals accepting gifts from clients
  6. History of the paralegal profession
  7. Independent legal technicians
  8. Pro bono/volunteer work for paralegals in your community
  9. Law office technology
  10. The law as seen in Hollywood: Analyze the law in three legal movies
  11. Outsourcing legal work: Is this the future of the profession?

In Week 4 you will submit the project to the Discussion Area.

While preparing your paper and presentation, consider both legal and ethical aspects and conclude by offering your opinion on the subject. Be creative. You must do some research to back up your opinion. On a separate page, list your sources — these can include books, articles, videos, interviews and Internet resources. Use Bluebook citation format.

Name your document SUO_LGS1001_W2_Project_LastName_FirstInitial.doc