What does it means to document accurately and appropriately?

· What does it means to document accurately and appropriately?

· What are the documenting guidelines? When is it appropriate to use abbreviations?

· What is the difference between subjective and objective data?

· What does it mean to demonstrate clinical reasoning skills?

· How can you use clinical reasoning to plan the organization of a comprehensive exam?

· How will you document variations of normal and abnormal assessment findings?

· What factors influence appropriate tools and tests necessary for a comprehensive assessment?

· Reflect on personal strengths, limitations, beliefs, prejudices, and values.

· How will these impact your ability to collect a comprehensive health history?

· How can you develop strong communication skills.

· What interviewing techniques will you use to interview the patient to elicit subjective health information about their health history?

· What relevant follow-up questions will you use to evaluate patient condition?

· How will you demonstrate empathy for patient perspectives, feelings, and sociocultural background?

· What opportunities will you take to educate the patient?