What is the difference between a neuron and a nerve?

I posted all the information bellow. I will post here some  Homework Rubric 

Homework Rubric

5.0 ptsExemplary
Information presented in logical, clear, interesting sequence

4.0 ptsAccomplished
Information in logical sequence and easy to follow overall

3.0 ptsDeveloping
Difficult to follow the sequence of ideas – student jumps around

2.0 ptsBeginning
Cannot understand – no logical sequence of information

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat, Grammar, and Spelling

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApplication and Connection

Chapter 3:  Biological Foundations

1.       What is the difference between a neuron and a nerve?

2.      Name the functions of glial cells.

3.       Describe integration and plasticity.  See also pages 90-91. 

4.       What is homeostasis and what brain structure is largely responsible for maintaining it?

5.       Name two functions of the left hemisphere and two functions of the right hemisphere.    

6.       What does the term “split-brain” mean?   Why does a word have to be flashed quickly on the screen for the procedure to work?           

7.       What is aphasia?  Describe expressive aphasia and receptive aphasia.      

8.       Describe the process of an action potential. What is the all-or-none principle

9.       Describe how synapses and neurotransmitters work. Please also name two neurotransmitters listed in the chapter and describe their functions. 

10.       Describe the functions of the medulla, thalamus, amygdala, and hippocampus.

11.       Briefly describe the specific functions of the lobes of the brain.

12.       THOUGHT QUESTION: What is the difference between acute and chronic stress? Go on the MSJC library website (libguides.msjc.edu/msjclibraries) and click on databases. Sign in, find the psychology-related database, and search for current articles regarding coping with stress. Summarize what you learn (methods, results) from this article.

13.      Give the APA reference citation for the article that you described in question 12. www.easybib.com/reference/guide/apa/journal (Links to an external site.)

Homework Assignment 2

Chapter 4: Sensation and Perception

1. What is the difference between sensation and perception?

2. Define absolute thresholddifference threshold, and signal detection theory.

3. How are bottom-up processes different from top-down processes?

4. What is inattentional blindness? Give an example in your own words.

5. Name the differences between rods and cones.

6. In the visual system, how do the receptors transduce light into electrical impulses?

7. Name and briefly describe one theory of color vision.

8. Name the laws of perceptual organization from the Gestalt psychologists.

9. What are the six monocular depth cues used in perceiving distance?

10. Briefly describe place theory and frequency theory of pitch perception.

11. How can we take better care of our senses? Summarize page 137 in your own words.

12. THOUGHT QUESTION: Name one fact about pain perception that interests you from chapter 4. The mind can play an important role in our experience of pain. Can you think of an experience from your own life that demonstrates the power of the mind over the body?

13. THOUGHT QUESTION: Referring to Signal Detection Theory, can you think of an example from your own life or from your social observations that could be described by “hits” and “false alarms”?

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Skill and Creativity