Which of the following is not considered a microorganism

BIOL 302 7981 Bacteria, Viruses, and Health


Quiz 1

Instructor’s name: Mustafa Qasim

Student’s Name:

1. Which of the following is not considered a microorganism;

a. Archaeon

b. Bacterium

c. Protozoan

d. Mushroom

2. Which of the followings are prokaryotic;

a. Bacteria

b. Archaea

c. Protists

d. Both a and b

3. A mixed culture is;

a. the same as a contaminated culture

b. one that has been adequately stirred

c. one that contains two or more known species

d. a pond sample containing algae and protozoa

4. Resolution is ————–with a longer wavelength of light.

a. Improved

b. Worsened

c. Not changed

d. Not possible

5. A fastidious organism must be grown on what type of medium;

a. general- purpose medium

b. synthetic medium

c. differential medium

d. enriched medium

6. Which structure is not a component of all cells;

a. cell wall

b. genetic material

c. cell membrane

d. ribosomes

7. The major locomotor structures in bacteria is;

a. Flagella

b. Pili

c. Fimbriae

d. Cilia

8. An example of a glycocalyx is;

a. A capsule

b. Pili

c. Outer membrane

d. A cell wall

9. Which of the following is present in both gram- positive and gram-negative cell walls;

a. Flagella

b. Peptidoglycan

c. Teichoic acid

d. Lipopolysaccharides

10. Bacterial endospores function in;

a. reproduction

b. protein synthesis

c. survival

d. storage

11. Differential media is the one that allows the growth of several types of microbes and displays visible differences in their growth (different color for each colony).

a. True

b. False

12. A prominent difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells is the;

1. larger size of prokaryotes

1. lack of pigmentation in eukaryotes

1. presence of a nucleus in eukaryotes

1. presence of a cell wall in prokaryotes

13. ——————- are Acellular, parasitic particles composed of a nucleic acid and protein.

1. Bacteria

1. Parasites

1. Viruses

1. Worms

14. For a microscope to be reliable, it should be;

1. Able to distinguish or separate two adjacent objects using a short wavelength of light

1. Able to distinguish or separate two adjacent objects using a long wavelength of light

1. It does not need a specific wavelength of light

1. It can operate in all visible wavelengths.

15. For an optimum resolution of a light microscope, it should use Shorter wavelength and larger numerical aperture;

1. True

1. False

16. A fluorescence microscope utilizes;

1. A visible light

1. An electron beam

1. An ultraviolet light

1. All of the above

17. In order to measure the effectiveness of an antimicrobial drug on different microorganisms, which type of media should be used;

1. Enumeration media

1. Transport media

1. Differentiation media

1. Assay media

18. A nucleoid represents the genetic material of a microbe “DNA” surrounded by a nuclear envelope;

1. True

1. False

19. Agar is superior to gelatin as a solidifying agent because agar;

1. does not melt at room temperature

1. solidifies at 758°C

1. is not usually decomposed by microorganisms

1. both a and c

20. A fastidious organism must be grown on what type of medium;

1. general- purpose medium

1. synthetic medium

1. differential medium

1. enriched medium

21. Which structure is not a component of all cells;

1. cell wall

1. genetic material

1. cell membrane

1. ribosomes

22. Formation of biofilms is mediated by which part of the cell;

1. Flagella

1. Pili

1. Fimbriae

1. Glycocalyx

23. An example of a glycocalyx is;

1. A capsule

1. Pili

1. Outer membrane

1. A cell wall

24. Gram positive bacteria is characterized by a thin layer of peptidoglycan on its outer membrane;

1. True

1. False

25. Which of the statements below best describes a plasmid; (more than one answer may apply)

1. It forms the DNA of a bacterial cell

1. It is a small circular DNA that is nonessential to bacterial growth

1. It may confer bacterial resistance to antibiotics or the production of enzymes or toxins

1. It exists in viruses only

1. Only two of the above choices are true

26. Bacterial endospores function in;

1. reproduction

1. protein synthesis

1. survival

1. storage

27. Differential media is the one that allows the growth of several types of microbes and displays visible differences of their growth.

1. True

1. False

28. A plasmid is a critical piece of DNA necessary for bacterial life.

a. true

b. false

29. Mitochondria contain thylakoids where aerobic cellular respiration and production of ATP takes place.

a. true

b. false

30. a media that allows only a certain type of bacteria to grow on it is called;

a. enriched media

b. general purpose media

c. differential media

d. selective media

Match the following organelles or structures with their corresponding function;

31. mitochondria0. Protects the bacterial cell from dehydration
32. lysosomes0. Attachment to other cells
33. chloroplasts0. Synthesis of ATP
34. flagella1. Post-translational modifications
35. glycocalex1. Motility
36. peptidoglycan1. Synthesis of carbohydrates in photosynthesis
37. fimbriae1. Plays a role in phagocytosis
38. golgi apparatus1. Forms the cell wall of bacteria

39. Write at least three differences between G+ and G- bacteria