A comparative study of feeding mechanisms between dragonflies and praying mantis.

General Guidelines:

Topic : A comparative study of feeding mechanisms between dragonflies and praying mantis.

● 5 pages (this does NOT include the cover page or the annotated bibliography).

○ If you go a little over 5 pages, that’s okay.

● Use APA format for your paper. Below are websites to help you write an APA paper. Note: you

do not need to have an abstract for your paper.

○ https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/18/

○ http://www.easybib.com/guides/students/writing-guide/iv-write/a-formatting/apa-paper-f


● Double spaced

● Font size 12

○ Times New Roman

● 1 inch margins

● Number your pages

● Please have a cover page with your name, BSC2011L, your section, TA name, date, and title of

your paper.

○ Make sure to include the scientific names as well as the common names of your


■ Make sure to capitalize and italicize the Genus names and italicize the species

names on your cover page and throughout your paper.

■ Ex. Correct: Homo sapiens or H. sapiens (after first mention).

Incorrect: Homo sapiens, homo sapiens, Homo Sapiens, Homo Sapiens,

homo sapiens, etc.

● You are basically converting your outline into paragraph form and adding more detail to make

your 5 page paper.

● Remember that paragraphs are generally 5-8 sentences. Do NOT make a paragraph a whole page

long! Break it up.

● If you’re going to include a picture in your literature review, that’s fine. But the pictures must go

on a separate page at the end of the paper and should be labeled as “Figure X. Title.” Any figures

added need to be referred to in the text. Do NOT place the figures within your 5 pages of writing.

○ Ex. You could have a figure called “Figure 1. Angiosperm Life Cycle” and in the text

when you need to refer to the figure you may write “According to the life cycle of the

flower, it goes from being…as in Figure 1.”

● Make sure you cite everything that you paraphrase.

○ Every source that is in your annotated bibliography should be cited at least twice in your

actual paper.

■ In-text citations should (generally) be as follows: (Author’s Last Name, Year).

● If there are 2 authors, cite as: (Last Name 1 and Last Name 2, Year).

● If there are more than 2 authors, cite as (Author’s Last Name et al., Year).

● There are NO QUOTES ALLOWED! Everything must be paraphrased!

● If you have taken this class before, you CANNOT resubmit the same paper! You will need to

pick another topic.

● Make sure that you use the right forms of theirs, there’s, its, it’s, etc.

● Make sure that everything is organized and that it flows. Don’t jump around in what you are

talking about.

● Remember, this is not an essay paper. It’s a RESEARCH paper you did on your organisms so

you will not be using the words “I” or “you” anywhere in the paper (aside from the annotations).

Annotated Bibliography:

● APA style

● Make sure sure have a minimum of 10 references, 5 of which MUST be journals. The other 5 can

be more journals and/or books, textbooks, articles.


○ The only exception to this is if you sent the link to your TA for approval beforehand.



○ Encyclopedia of Life Sciences via Wiley Interscience

● References must be listed alphabetically by primary author’s last name.

● Don’t number or bullet your references

● If a citation runs on multiple lines make sure the second and third line, etc. are indented.

● Are the annotations done correctly? They should be a paragraph long. You are NOT supposed to

summarize the source (that would be an abstract). In an annotation, you should answer the

following questions:

○ Critique the source/author

○ How is the source relevant to your paper?

○ How are you incorporating the source into your paper?

● Your TA should easily be able to match your references in your in-text citations with your

annotated bibliography.