cismidterm test

  1. Exam consists of 25 multi-choices questions.
  2. You have exactly 60 min. to complete the exam. You must take the exam in one setting and only one time. This means once you start the exam, you must finish it in 60 min. and one time only.
  3. Be sure to submit the exam before time is up and see your test score on blackboard.
  4. Be sure to avoid the situation where Blackboard automatically submits your test when the time is up and you might end up receiving Zero for the exam.
  5. Ensure you have strong and stable WIFI connection while taking the exam on Blackboard to avoid running into connection issues.
  6. Do not attempt to take the test twice to improve your test score, this will result your exam to be Zero.
  7. Do not “refresh” your browser in the middle of taking the exam, this will result in Blackboard automatically submit your test and give you a score, any questions that you didn’t answer will be zero.
  8. Do not have multiple sessions or tabs opened, and switch back and forth between the tabs, this will result in Blackboard automatically submit your exam and give you a score, any questions that you didn’t answer will be zero.
  9. Lastly, this is a closed-book exam. Avoid inappropriate conducts or behaviors; Student Code of Conducts and Integrity are strictly enforced!