Live Longer: The One Anti-Aging Trick That Works.


There are 3 discussion articles written by classmates. please respond to each classmates article in one or two paragraphs. 


There are 3 discussion articles written by classmates. please respond to each classmate’s article in one or two paragraphs. 


Monica Belton 

Live Longer by Eating Less!

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Live Longer: The One Anti-Aging Trick That Works.

            The title caught my attention since I am in my forties and I am trying to live healthily and make better choices. The article states that eating less could result in you living longer. It also states to do this in moderation.  It seems too simple of an act to be true. However, that is the dilemma. How many of us are willing to make changes? There is currently evidence that supports calorie restriction can reduce the risk of many common diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. (Edward Weiss, Saint Louis University researcher). Calorie restriction is believed to lower metabolic rate and cause the body to generate fewer damaging “free radicals”.

            Eric Ravussin, who studies human health and performance at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center, states that “eating 15 percent less starting at age 25 and you might add 4.5 years to your life”. (LiveScience 2018). The downfall to the study is that it has mainly been done on other animals and studies on humans at a minimal.  There are drugs that are also being introduced by studying calorie-restriction. There are drugs that are targeted at human cells to turn off bad things and turn on good things. It could extend cell life, offer therapies, and even cure diseases such as Alzheimer’s and cancer.

            Although much of the work has been done on animals, rodents to be specific, the researcher’s feel confident that humans can see the benefits if they apply the reduced calorie method. In a study conducted by Weiss and his colleges, the compared 50 to 60-year-old men and women with similar health and split them into three groups. Some were calorie-restricted, and exercise group, and a control group for one year. The ones who were placed on a calorie restriction, the calorie-restricted group had the best results. Not only did they reduce body fat, but they reduced the level of thyroid hormone that contributes to slowing metabolism and damaged cells. This proved that reducing T3 levels can be done with fewer calories and slows the aging process.

            Some suggestions to accomplish the goal of consuming fewer calories is skipping dessert, substituting turkey sandwich over fast food. Choose a nutritional diet and exercise to enhance the results. More long-term studies are needed but Weiss and his team are confident it will prove promising for reduced calorie diets to improve lifespan and quality of living. It sounds logical to me. The less caloric intake the less heart and other chronic diseases we can encounter. These are lifestyle changes that we need to be willing to make to reap the benefits of living longer.

Live Longer: The One Anti-Aging Trick That Works. (2018, July). Retrieved November 12, 2018, from

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Christina Sanchez 

week 3 scientific article….


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The number of calories you burn while resting depends on the time of day

         So when figuring out how many calories you actually burn while you rest depends on the hour of the day.  This article I found intersting states that “people burn about 129 calories when resting in the afternoon & evening than early morning” (Zitting 2018).  Yes, you will burn calories in the early morning but more like carbohyrdrates.  In addition, research says “Calories burned at rest fuel breathing, circulation and brain activity, while also helping to maintain body temperature…researchers previously had conflicting evidence about whether a resting body burns calories at a fairly constant rate, or one that rises and falls in a daily — or circadian rhythm…the study shows that a body’s resting metabolism is governed by circadian clocks” (Zitting 2018).  To describe what circadian rhythm is, it is something that we all go through or experience throughout the day.  The times depends on each person, if your a night owl or a morning person. You can notice that you tend to feel energized and drowsy around the same time every day.  Your circadian rhythm is basically a 24-hour internal clock that is running in the background of your brain and cycles between sleepiness and alertness at regular intervals. It’s also known as your sleep/wake cycle. It is in each person, and runs and connects your brain and cycles between sleepiness and alertness at regular intervals.  So overall, the # of calories you burn does depend on the time of day.  If your metabolism is thrown off, you interrupt your sleep schedules; your work schedules change, you work graveyards; chronic sleep loss.  With any type of irregularities to circadian rhythm is not good to any person.  The best info researchers said was to keep regular sleep schedules, and basically do everything on a regular schedule including the weekends, which might be kinda hard to do. 

K.-M. Zitting et al. Human resting energy expenditure varies with circadian phase. Current Biology. Published online November 8, 2018. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2018.10.005.   




The study of injecting stem cells into the brain of those who suffer from Parkinson’s disease began in October at Kyoto University located in Japan. Doctors are using pluripotent stem cells which are cells that are reprogrammed to form any cell. They used these cells to replicate dopamine cells because these cells control the muscles. Parkinson’s kills dopamine cells resulting in tremors and difficulty performing muscular movements.

The doctors injected 2.4 million stem cells into one side of the man’s brain with hopes that these cells will replace and restore the dopamine cells. If there are no complications from this surgery, they will inject the same amount into the opposite side of the man’s brain. Over the next two years, the doctors will perform this study on seven people who suffer from this awful disease. For those that are involved in this study, they must take medication to prevent their immune system from rejecting the implanted cells.

Rettner, R. (2018, Nov 09). Can injecting millions of stem cells into the brain treat Parkinson’s disease? Live Science.

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