reseach proposal assignment 6 starting the literature review 3

*Previous assignment for my research paper:

I created this question to be my final research question/

-Research Question: Why should the use of medical and recreational marijuana be legalized nationwide and what polices should be implemented to have a better control on its users?

However, I got this feedback from my instructor regarding my research question:

“Good thinking, Mohammed. As you continue to progress in writing your proposal, you might refine this even further. It seems that it’s not exactly testable, as yet. To refine it, you might want to focus more on the effectiveness of some of these policies. Please take a look at this:…

It might help you to get started in that direction. “

-So based on this feedback, can you help me refine my research question to be testable as the instructor suggested? Pleass attachment of the intro to have a general idea of my topic:, please provide me your suggestions and opinions so we decide together what would be the best option to procced to refining it. (please see attachment “Step.3_Refine_The_Research_Question.docx”)


For this assignment, based on the adjustment of the direction of my research paper’s focus and question, please follow the instructions: Complete the following worksheet prior to searching for sources to include in your literature review. ( Please see attachments to help you through answering the questions: “Step.2_Conduct_A_Lit_Review.(p.34_of_Withrow).docx” & “How to Find Journal Articles.pptx” ) – Please try to pick as different sources as possible.

1.Write the title of your research project in the below.

2. Based on your current knowledge of this research subject, which of the following source(s) will provide you the information you need initially? (Indicate which ones apply.)



Academic or scholarly journals

Newspapers, magazines, and other popular media

Internet sources


3. Which of the following source(s) are likely to contain research on your topic? (Indicate which ones apply.)



Academic or scholarly journals

Newspapers, magazines, and other popular media

Internet sources


4. I know this is repetitive from prior assignments, but list all of the possible words, combinations of words or phrases that are relevant to your topic. You can also look at the articles that you already have and list the keywords provided in each ones.

5. Access the literature (books, indexes, Internet, experts) and locate sources that are relevant to your topic. List at least 5 citations for these sources below. Citations should follow APA format like this example:

Sampson, R. J., Laub, J. H., & Wimer, C. (2006). Does marriage reduce crime? A counterfactual approach to within-individual causal effects. Criminology, 44(3), 465-508.

6. Briefly read these sources (Abstract, Introduction sections) to determine whether your initial search terms are effective at finding relevant research. If not, revise your search terms and repeat step #5.

7. Once you are confident that your search terms are effective you may wish to continue the pyramiding process (see p. 34 of Withrow). Take note of some of the research arguments in the Intro sections of your research articles. List two of those arguments that you believe will be useful for your research proposal below and provide the source (citation) where it came from.


Next step: B) Annotating an Outline (Please view attachments regarding this part)

  1. Develop an outline for a literature review that is relevant to your topic.
  2. For this assignment, you will use the 5 independent and reliable sources that you have gathered on your topic. You may need to locate additional articles, especially if much of your information is outdated (from the 1980s, 1990s, and/or from the early 2000s), or if you require more information to formulate a sound research argument.
  3. Identify the important parts from each source that you want to use in your literature review. This may be information from the “front end” of your journal articles (Abstract, Introduction, and Literature Review) and/or the discussion sections (end portions).
  4. Using these parts annotate your outline (refer to Reading 1 available in this Module). Also, be careful to include the origin of the source (i.e. author’s last name and year following the citation: Robinson, Powers, & Socia, 2016).