risk management final

Company is APPLE

  1. Introduction: Provide a brief overview of the company you have selected with regard to its potential as an investment opportunity. Be sure to include the following items in your overview:
    1. a) What is the size of the company relative to other companies in the industry, both currently and historically?
    2. b) What is the company’s leadership position in its industry? In other words, is this company considered a leader or a follower? Be sure to defendyour response.
    3. c) What is the financial position and profitability of the company, both currently and historically?
    4. d) Analyze the company’s major product lines. How important are these major products in generating the company’s revenues? What level ofsuccess have the products enjoyed in the marketplace? What is the implication of this on the feasibility of the company as a potentia l investment opportunity? Consider discussing the interrelationship among product lines, revenue, and investment potential, and be sure to defend your reasoning.
  2. Investment Analysis
    1. a) What is the perception in the market of this company’s stock?
    2. b) How would you view this stock as an individual investor? Why?
    3. c) What asset allocation strategy might you recommend for including this company’s stock in a portfolio? Be sure to justify yourrecommendation(s).
    4. d) How do you feel a portfolio manager would treat this stock and others from the same industry from an asset allocation perspective? What leadsyou to this conclusion?
  3. Risk Analysis
    1. a) What is a specific risk that you have identified as relevant to this company, its product(s), and its industry?
    2. b) Aswhichtypeofriskwouldyouclassifyit?Inotherwords,isitconsideredstand-alone,corporate,ormarketrisk?Besuretodefendyourreasoning.
    3. c) What do you feel is the impact of the risk with regard to the company’s external environment (i.e., economic trends, regulatory landscape, andcompetition), as well as its internal environment (i.e., people, process, and infrastructure)?
    4. d) To what extent do you feel this risk can be effectively balanced with return? Be sure to justify your reasoning.
  4. Risk Management Strategies
    1. a) What risk management technique do you feel would be most appropriately employed to minimize or mitigate the effect(s) of this risk? Why?
    2. b) Similarly, what strategies might you suggest for maximizing return in the face of this identified risk? Why?
    3. c) What recommendations would you make in terms of determining the effectiveness of these risk/return management measures over time? Besure to justify your recommendations.
  5. Feasibility as an investment opportunity

a) Calculate one standard financial ratio from each of the broader categories of leverage, liquidity, operating, profitability, and solvency ratios for the company.

b) Compare the ratios you calculated for your company to those of its competitors/industry average, and identify discrepancies that you find. For example, an analysis of Coca Cola should include a comparison with PepsiCo, since these two companies are similar in size and scope.

c) Analyze the ratio discrepancies between your selected company and its competitors, and explain why you feel these discrepancies exist, as well as their impact on the company’s potential as an investment opportunity. Be sure to d efend your reasoning.

d) What do you feel are your selected company’s strengths and weaknesses as a potential investment opportunity? What is it doing well? What do you feel are some areas in need of improvement? Be sure to defend your rationale.

VI. Conclusion:Basedonyouroverallanalysis,wouldyourecommendyourselectedcompanyasaninvestmentopportunityoveritscompetitors?Besure to justify your rationale.

Guidelines for Submission: Your analysis and recommendations paper should be 15–20 pages long. It should be formatted in 12-point Times New Roman font

double-spaced, with one-inch margins. All citations and references should be formatted according to the most current APA guidelines.