what general conclusions emerge regarding the relationship between vision and organizational change?

Read Exercise 6.1 and comment on what general conclusions emerge regarding the relationship between vision and organizational change? What have you learned from this exercise?

This is Exercise 6.1

Your task is to interview three employees; they can be in the same or different organizations. Ask them to think back to an organizational change that they experienced, and to answer the following questions:

Were they presented with an organizational vision for this change, and if so:

What was the vision?

What effect did this have on them?

Were they involved in developing the vision?

To what extent did the vision motivate them to engage in the change?

How central was the vision to implementing the change?

If your interviewees were not given an organizational vision for this change, ask them:

Would a vision have helped them to understand and become involved in the change?

How important is vision to achieving organizational change?

When you have completed your interviews, consider the responses that you have documented. What general conclusions emerge regarding the relationship between vision and organizational change? What have you learned from this exercise?