What message is the author/rhetor delivering to the audience and how is this accomplished.

Make sure you have use MLA format, page numbers, and your Works Cited page. 

Project #4 Rhetorical Analysis AssignmentPeer Review Draft Due 4/25Final Draft Due 4/30For this assignment, you can choose to expand on your short rhetorical analysis outline, or choose another source, and write an extensive, 4-page rhetorical analysis of it. You need to think of about the message of the source and show how the author communicates the message to the audience. This assignment is designed toward the development of SLO 1 & 2..Content Requirements.

  • Provide a brief context of the source (source is from last 5 years)
  • What message is the author/rhetor delivering to the audience and how is this accomplished. This should be a clear and arguable claim that needs to be supported.
  • A summary of the major lessons to be learned from the rhetorical approaches of the source.
  • Include examples and quotes from your selected source.
  • A minimum of five rhetorical strategies introduced, explained, and analyzed. Highlight the rhetorical strategies after the sentence. Example: Hough’s smile comparing himself to a Boston Terrier on the surface seems innocent enough, imaging himself as a loyal and lovable fighter for a cause, but when we consider that the breed was initially designed to detect rats in dockside warehouses a troubling disconnect begins to emerge. The image shifts from a sturdy mascot to a slavish hunter, a mindless tracker, or a tool meant for one purpose alone–to root out hosts of discontent and disease. (FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE/SIMILE)

Techniques to consider:

  • The use of sensory images (a concrete detail that can be seen, heard, smelled, felt, tasted)
  • The diction (word choices–formal/informal, colloquial, jargon, etc.. and their denotation/connotations)
  • The use of hyperbole, exaggerated diction
  • One use of literary/figurative (similes, metaphors, allusions, analogies, personification) 
  • The use of hypothetical scenarios or examples
  • Rhetorical questions
  • The point of view (direct address-second person, first-person (personal anecdotes/experiences, 3rd person objective, etc.)
  • The types of empirical support (historical references, statistics, expert testimony, data, etc…)
  • The way reasoning works (deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning, comparisons, contrasts, associations, process, cause/effect, etc.)
  • Other rhetorical techniques/fallacies (reincorporation, habitual vs. present action, exemplification, opposition, concessions, refutations, common misconceptions subverted, repetitions, interruptions, dialogue, paradoxes, fictional narratives, etc…)
  • Structure (chronology, thematic, increasing or decreasing importance)